Aries (மேஷம்) - Barani (பரணி)
Age:43 Height:
location_on Chennai, Tamil Nadu
school MCom
business_center Consultant
payments ₹528000 / Annum (Year)
Taurus (ரிஷபம்) - Kaarthikai (கார்த்திகை)
Age:46 Height: 5'5" (165 cm)
location_on Chennai, Tamil Nadu
school Ph.D.
business_center Consultant
payments ₹7 lakhs / Annum (Year)
Cancer (கடகம்) - Ayilyam (ஆயில்யம்)
Age:35 Height: 5'10" (178 cm)
location_on Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
school MCom
business_center Consultant
payments ₹4 Lakhs / Annum (Year)
Leo (சிம்மம்) - Magam (மகம்)
Age:32 Height: 5'11" (180 cm)
location_on Vasai, Thane , Maharashtra
school BE
business_center Consultant
payments ₹25 lacs per annum / Annum (Year)
Leo (சிம்மம்) - Pooram (பூரம்)
Age:36 Height: 5'1" (155 cm)
location_on Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu
school B.Com.
business_center Consultant
payments ₹120000- / Annum (Year)
Capricorn (மகரம்) - Tiruvonam (திருவோணம்)
Age:37 Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
location_on Hyderabad, Telangana
school BE / B.Tech.
business_center Consultant
payments ₹2700012 / Annum (Year)
Pisces (மீனம்) - Revathi (ரேவதி)
Age:27 Height: 5'11" (180 cm)
location_on Chennai, Tamil Nadu
school Higher Secondary School / High School
business_center Consultant
payments ₹500000 To 600000 / Annum (Year)
Virgo (கன்னி) - Astham (ஹஸ்தம்)
Age:38 Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
location_on VELLORE, Tamil Nadu
school MCom
business_center Consultant
payments ₹420000 / Annum (Year)
Aquarius (கும்பம்) - Sadayam (சதயம்)
Age:36 Height: 5'6" (168 cm)
location_on Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia
school MBA
business_center Consultant
payments ₹12 Lakhs / Annum (Year)
Aquarius (கும்பம்) - Porattathi (பூரட்டாதி)
Age:28 Height:
location_on ,
school BBA
business_center Consultant
payments -